Friday, March 19, 2010

INTERNET ART: new form of ART

I was fascinated by Maggie Taylor's internet art at The first time I saw this internet art, I find it boring because the singing horses was so entertaining although the horses wasn't that artistically made at all. So I chose the third link. Because I was amazed by the drawings-its colours, designs and creativity. In fact, I was stunned looking through the images. I like the way Maggie Taylor visualized things around her and I got curious by the essence of her art work. Because I know that every work of art has its profound meaning. A representation of something through symbols to mean what you wanted to say. The dragonfly and the bird as well as the caption add up the value of its creativity and some kind of entertainment. and this is why i chose this internet art.
In her biography, it was written there that she was a still- life photographer for about ten years then she began to use computer to create her images in 1996. Through the use of a medium which is the Adobe Photoshop she created her landscape of dreams. And her work was published by Adobe Press in 2005. And since then began the mechanical reproduction of her art work. What was really good is that it became accessible worldwide through the use of internet. But on the other hand loses its "aura"- its uniqueness and authenticity. According to Benjamin Walter, a cultural critic, the withering of its aura affects the true value of an art. Nowadys, the function of art began to merge with media. When the distance between the artist and society was lessened, then the false distinctions between the social roles of artists and educators are negated.
According to him, "the absolute emphasis on its exhibition value as opposed to a historical cult value, the work of art becomes a criterion with entirely new functions, among which the one we are conscious of, the artistic function, later may be recognized as incidental."
this is what I've recognized in the three links of internet art. The value of art was altered by the entertainment value it gives.

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